One person can make a difference



The Milton B Rosenbluth Foundation was started in 1984 by Milton’s son Dr. Michael A Rosenbluth with a generous grant from Claire Booth Luce. Claire donated the money in loving memory of the physician who had cared for her for many years and become a close friend.

Dr Milton Rosenbluth (1890-1959), a graduate of Columbia College and of Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, was for many years Professor of Clinical Medicine at NYU School of Medicine. In the course of his more than four decade career he earned the admiration and respect of his patients and colleagues for the compassion, dedication and imagination with which he practiced medicine. It is a tax exempt organization supported by contributions from private sources. It devotes its resources to education on relevant global medical crises and travel grants.

Each year several of the medicals school sponsors have received funding from the Rosenbluth Foundation for programs to which all medical students and faculties of the regional medical centers are invited. The response has been remarkable for attendance and enthusiasm. The subjects have been:

  • The Aids epidemic

  • Health consequences of the war in Iraq

  • The Spread of Avian Flu

  • The environmental crisis and human health consequences

Prominent speakers from the medical schools of Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Mt Sinai, Columbia Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Albert Einstein and NYU have accepted our invitation for our day long conferences where recipients share their findings and experiences.



  • Dr. Adam Rosenbluth

  • Catharine Rosenbluth